American Foreign and Security Policy on the Political Economy Test Bench
Gerade erschienen, MvP in ORDO über US-Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik anlässlich des Buchs von Christopher Coyne: In Search of Monsters to destroy.
Christopher J.Coyne:In Search of Monsters to Destroy. The Folly of American Empire andthe Paths to Peace, Independent Institute, Oakland 2022, 217 S.
Reviewed by Dr. Michael von Prollius, Berlin
What is the state? An answer depends on the perspective and the criteria chosen. Themonopoly on the use of force is a characteristic feature. Armed forces serve security,they are supposed to protect against external enemies. What is security and how cansecurity be achieved? Fundamental questions in the »unsoluble« category.1 The USA is regarded as the hegemon of a liberal world order, a Pax Americana. Formore than 100 years, American forces have intervened in the world with the declaredgoal of providing security and a liberal world. This causes approval and irritation,fosters hostility and anti-Americanism. Can a peaceful, liberal world be achieved withspecial military operations, drone strikes, a series of military interventions, wars andpower projections, and hundreds of bases abroad? Do intent and results merely diverge, or are there deeper problems? …